Meerkats Wiki




was born on November 9, 2008 in the Kung Fu Mob,. His mother was Kleintjie and his father was Ningaloo. He was born into a litter of seven, his six other littermates were Princessco(VKUF013), Bean(VKUF017), Beej(VKUM016), Pilko(VKUF015), Oiley Doyley(VKUM018) and Littl'un(VKUF019). All of the litter survived to adulthood. When they came of age, Maroon and his brothers started frequently roving at other groups. His sisters, Bean and Pilko, also went roving at other groups and eventually fell pregnant. Maroon was a excellent senrty like his father and was a respondible babysitter. In August 2010 Princessco left the group with four other females and formed the Ewoks but disappared later one. Sadly in April 2011 Maroon's brother, Beej, died to an unknown cause. With than same month Pilko gave birth to a mix litter along with her younger sister Slyder. In July 2011 Maroo went roving along with his younger brother Iceman and Stumpy. Sadly when returning to the Kung Fu, all three males were hit by a car and died.

Clan of the Meerkats[]

In Meerkats 3D or Clan of the Meerkats in 2D

Meerkats 3D - Harry and Ms

Maroon as Harry

, Maroon was featured as Harry, Miss Bean's brother. He played the part as babysitter and protector of the pups and his sisters from rovers especially his sister Miss Bean, who played by several females including his three sister Bean, Pilko and Littl'um. Harry babysat with his sister Miss Bean when two unknown rovers appared. Harry chased after one of the males but the second one slip under his nose and mated with his sister. Harry was also in the splinter group along with Miss Bean and the pups. He was seen at the end of the show babysitting his mother's pups along with Miss Bean.


Mother: Kleintjie

Father: Ningaloo

Sisters: Pilko, Princessco, Bean and Littl'un

Brothers: Beej and Oiley Doyley


Kung Fu Mob

Kleintjie Gattaca
