Meerkats Wiki

Topcat(VBBM084) was born in February 9-12, 2012 into the Baobab Mob into a mixed litter. His mother was either the dominant female, Cruise, or a subordinate female, Herpasaurus. His father is an unknown male. Topcat's littermates included two males, Digby(VBBM082) and Artemis(VBBM085), and two females, Zogg(VBBF083) and Rossetti(VBBF086). The litter survived the first few months of their lives. However, in June 2012, Topcat's sister, Rossetti, was sadly killed by a predator and Digby died. Topcat, Artemis, and Zogg are all still alive and living in the Baobab today.


Cruise Whiskers

Herpasaurus Baobab

Baobab Mob
