Meerkats Wiki

Aniju Aura Aniju Aura 28 November 2015

Crazy New about Rhian's Father

I was wandering around looking for a the picture of Osprey I had posted a long time ago. I remembered that the website had other Lazuli pictures, and I wanted to find them again. I stumbled upon this websit ,  and while I was reading through it I discovered that Stinker was not Rhian 's father! In fact it was VYM009, Holly's brother! D: It's the third question down. I never had Vivian information so I never knew. So I went to check this out on this website . This website doesn't have accurate information as it list some meerkats incorrectly, but it also says VYM009 is Rhian and Humphry's father. Oh my how did not one notice this? I don't think anyone has bothered to check the information on this wiki. We always had Stinker listed as Rhian'…

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Aniju Aura Aniju Aura 17 December 2014

Wiki Suricatos

* Por favor, disculpe cualquier error en la traducción, se utilizó un traductor para escribir esto. 

Allá últimos meses esta wiki ha estado recibiendo una gran cantidad de usuarios de habla hispana que hacen de edición. Lamentablemente este wiki es un wiki de habla Inglés, por lo que las ediciones españolas han sido realmente haciendo más daño a nuestro wiki que bien. 

Nunca el miedo porque no hay otra Wikia suricato llamado Wiki suricatos ! Para nuestros amantes suricata compañeros quienes lengua materna es el español puede editar / crear páginas y compartir el amor para los suricatas más de allí. Los suricatos Wiki habrá socios de suricatas Wiki.  Wiki suricatos es mucho más pequeño que éste, porque es nuevo y realmente necesita ayuda en e…

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Aniju Aura Aniju Aura 28 October 2013

My First

Rufus was the first page I created on this wikia, and was the first edit I ever made. He was my favorite Whisker dominant male when I came to work here. Rufus was the only meerkat out of his litter of seven that did not have a page. Even Chiriqui and Etosha had pages and they didn't live as long. Rufus had done some interesting things so he deserved a page. And so I made a user name and created a page for him. Little did we know he had taken dominance of the Lazuli at that time. Rufus was a good sentry and an excellent dominant male, he never roved while Young was at his side. He did rove once when there was a Lazuli group split but when the two halves rejoined he stayed by Young's side. He wasn't aggressive towards the other males like Wo…

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Aniju Aura Aniju Aura 26 October 2013


I've seen many users on this wiki hoever we are not making good edits to our pages. Really it feels like I and MeerkatGal are doing all the work or fixing edits, so I am going to explain a simple way to edit the pages everyone can do. I understand some people are busy and so they will make fast edits. However it's not fair to make MeerkatGal do all the hard work and leaving me to fix up spelling errors or revising a page.

  • 1 Meerkat Mob Pages
  • 2 Editing a Meerkat Page
    • 2.1 Sections
    • 2.2 Categories
    • 2.3 Photos
    • 2.4 Information
    • 2.5 Spelling

We have been having to undo a lot of last edits on the mobs' pages most infomation that is not yet available to the public. We can not edit a page untill the Life History that relates to that info comes out, such as Cruise's …

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Aniju Aura Aniju Aura 26 June 2012

Litter VW0804

Litter VW0804 is the litter that contained Oriole, Marico and Sabota. I thought it was time that these meerkats had a blog but one that was for all of them not just one. I loved Oriole dearly and am very sad that she died. I also loved her brothers Marico and Sabota, they were there when the group was small, and survived along with Oriole, Juno and Nugget before Thundercat had joined. They were the main babysitters and care takers of the group so maybe they had an even mor important role that Ella or Thundercat. Everyone gived Ella all the credit for bring back the Whiskers but she could not do it on her own. Even if she just had Thundercat she would have lost so many pups to rival gangs or predators or starvation with out subordinate meer…

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